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Rockefeller accessorized her gown with heirloom jewelry and a beaded bag from the 1920s that belonged to her great-grandmother Abby Aldrich Rockefeller.She also cleaned and restored the fabric, which had yellowed with age.Rilling, a former costume designer with an atelier in Manhattan, refashioned the dress by redraping the bodice and adding bows to the sleeves.The family heirloom was archived at Christy Rilling Atelier and stored in a box for the past four years as Rockefeller waited for the perfect occasion to wear it.Rockefeller believes her grandmother likely wore the gown while attending a banking event with her husband, billionaire banker David Rockefeller.Italian designer Ferdinando Sarmi made the brocade dress for Margaret 'Peggy' Rockefeller when he was a designer for Elizabeth Arden.Rockefeller, 39, attended the Met Gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City on Monday wearing her late grandmother's gown from 1954.Now that's gilded glamour! Ariana Rockefeller reveals she wore her grandmother Peggy's vintage Elizabeth Arden gown to the Met Gala - nearly 70 years after it was designed

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